EL Sky Bar i Yerevan

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9, Grigor Lusavorich Street, 0015, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 41 494949
Hjemmeside: www.facebook.com
Latitude: 40.173836, Longitude: 44.5056978
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Kommentar 5

  • Pit Boss

    Pit Boss


    Great view. But music stops at midnight. It's a young crowd.

  • Iulian Stoicescu

    Iulian Stoicescu


    Nice club with a nice view over the center of the city. Good drinks and tasty food. Waiters are a bit slow with orders but nothing to be upset about. Lots of tables, I expected to be crowded, used to clubs in Bucharest where at this hour you can't find a place at the bar, but there is a nice turn up... music a bit old for my taste, aparently people here love remixes of old songs... Ricky Martin outside a latino club, ntzntzntz...

  • Ruben Lasanas

    Ruben Lasanas


    The people around here were very accomodating and would go on an extra mile to please thier patron. We had an amazing night, add to that, were the kind of music that suits everyone partying, this nightclub deserves to be in everyones bucket list!

  • Manvel Soghomonyan

    Manvel Soghomonyan


    Fine place. Wonderful view of Yerevan. Good staff




    I thought this is a bar...but seems like a library 😊, there were no one in there on one couple in the other side and the crew. Considering it was weekend when we were there. But the place is nice in fairness. They closes at 12am not 1 am as shown in Google.

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