Play City i Yerevan

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35, Acharyan Street, 0040, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 620999
Latitude: 40.218792, Longitude: 44.557838
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Kommentar 5

  • Gor Hovhannisyan

    Gor Hovhannisyan


    Play City ... Cool !!!

  • Sascha Gross

    Sascha Gross


    Fantastic place for children to learn in a playful way about different jobs. The place is a miniature city with several "shops". For example the "fire fighters", the "police" a "car garage", "bakery", and others. In each shop children get a little introduction and do some activities. When entering the city, children get a starting budget of CitiZen money. Depending on the activities they can earn some money or spend it. If at the end they have enough money left, they'll receive a CitiZen credit card. Also nice for the parents: They can either watch or just leave the children with the staff and have a coffee in the restaurant. Only downside: parents are not allowed to participate in the activities.

  • Hakob Bazoyan

    Hakob Bazoyan


    Nice swimming pool. Clean.

  • Jervan 352

    Jervan 352


    Lots of fun and very clean. A lot of attractions and arcade machines. The Bowling is probably one of the best in the city.

  • Ararat Mnatsakanyan

    Ararat Mnatsakanyan


    Bowling area is the best in the city and you better do reservation before visiting. I also like gaming machines.

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