Tashir Pizza i Yerevan

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37, Hanrapetutyan Street, 0010, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 511119
Hjemmeside: www.tashirpizza.am
Latitude: 40.1760885, Longitude: 44.5141861
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Kommentar 5

  • Վարդան Մ

    Վարդան Մ


    Loud noises. This is cheep-ish large family restaurant so expect lot's of room, but with that also comes lots of noise, including kids running around and screaming. Smocking is allowed inside, so expect cigarette smoke stuck on your clothing after.

  • Val Tsyplenkov

    Val Tsyplenkov


    Visited the place twice and had a generally good time, with minimal amount of waiting. The food is good, but most pizzas taste a lot like khachapuri. This could be entirely by design, though.

  • Daron Savaya

    Daron Savaya


    Very nice pizza restaurant, one of the best in Armenia.

  • Arthur Grigoryan

    Arthur Grigoryan


    Pros: - low prices - tasty food Cons: - cleanliness of both tables and tableware are of suspicious quality - personnel is VERY slow and indifferent. You might wait for the waiter for 15 minutes. Overall not a bad place, if you are not sensitive to the service quality and just want to eat.

  • Bartosz Sowisło

    Bartosz Sowisło


    Huuge pizza place with wide variety of pizzas and other fast food. Fits about 240 people at the same moment. Service not very polite, prices affordable, food mediocre. Might be a good option for budget travellers. Part of some bigger chain.

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