Yerevan Noy Wine Brandy Vodka Factory i Yerevan

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9, Argishti Street, 0015, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 547048
Latitude: 40.1734183, Longitude: 44.5024291
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Kommentar 5

  • Pit Boss

    Pit Boss


    Wonderful tour, explained in a myriad of languages. The old caves are very interesting.

  • Saeedeh Ladybug

    Saeedeh Ladybug


    Great vine and brandy with a tour inside the museum, such lovely old vine we tast

  • Navid Asmari Saadabad

    Navid Asmari Saadabad


    They provide an easy-to-reserve tour in the complex which is very informative about the history of the company. The tour also includes tasting 40 years old Cognac and 5 and 10 years old Brandys. Make sure to stop by if you’re visiting Yerevan, it would take only one hour.

  • Hamed Ashrafi

    Hamed Ashrafi


    A real example of branding in this Brandy fabric, you will see symbols and signs of grape starting from the master door and even in details of the building, you will have interesting information about drinks specially Brandy and if you are lucky your tour guide may be a real sweet and nice girl with a fantastic British accent, her name is Any, she is in the picture. I hope you will have joyful day whirling around the Ararat

  • D T

    D T


    Very nice tour. Went there in 2012 and it was amazing. If you visit Yerevan, you must visit this factory. It has a lot of history, the tour guides are excellent, they speak Armenian (of course), English, Russian and Persian. At the end of the tour you may try a glass of 25 year old Cognac/ some fine Wine or some strong Vodka.

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