Yerevan Railway Station i Yerevan

Åben kort
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Erebuni, Yerevan, Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374
Latitude: 40.1552947, Longitude: 44.5083379
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Kommentar 5

  • Akash Agarwal

    Akash Agarwal


    Overall Good service

  • AR N

    AR N


    Rude and totally corrupt personnel at the ticket box. The online ticketing system of UKZHD doesn't work and if you are in a hurry and seats are "LIMITED!" you will be asked to bribe in a way! No obvious signs in the building for directions toward platforms, restrooms, Metro etc. Ticket prices are high compare to the service you will get and trains are very old, noisy and hot specially in summer (No air-conditioning at the economy class and faulty AC in better wagons. AC doesn't work when Train has stopped in borders and stations). By the way, If you are looking forward to have fun (sort of a time travel) take a regional Elektricha coach to any where around the country.

  • Sarah Bianca Pentinio

    Sarah Bianca Pentinio


    Nice interiors! It feels like i travel through time. Very nostalgic...

  • Arthur Ghazaryan

    Arthur Ghazaryan


    Terrible service, old soviet trains and very high prices. Not recommended

  • Alexandre Maddalena

    Alexandre Maddalena


    actually there is only one train passing this station, Yerevan - Batumi. Also there are some local so-called "electric trains", something about 5 per day, so you need to be lucky to see it. The station itself is great example of soviet architecture. There is small museum of South Caucasus railways in the right wing of the building.

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