14th Floor Hotel i Yerevan

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4/6, Amiryan Street, 0010, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 60 560000
Hjemmeside: www.14hotel.com
Latitude: 40.1802809, Longitude: 44.5107596
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Kommentar 5

  • Rowena Ulugan

    Rowena Ulugan


    I like very much nice place nice people weather so kind so cold 😘😘😘

  • irena zaucer

    irena zaucer


    In the 14th Floor Hotel we had 2 overnights in July 2017 as a member of the Slovenian group. The hotel and the services were perfect but I have one remark that I tried to solve bileteral but I couldn't find the e-mail adress of the hotel. Our colleagues appreciated to get the postcards from the more unknown counties. My husband and I wrote the postcards but we were not able to find the Post opened, so we asked the man at the reception to do this for us. Until now our colleges didn't get the postcards although they belive us to wrote them. All of us were disappointed - until now our colleagues get the postcards from us from Cuba, Zimbabwe, Guatemala.... so we would like to know what happened with our postcards. Can they still wait to get them? Irena Žaucer, Slovenia

  • Nana Sargissian

    Nana Sargissian


    Uncomfortable noisy place to stay.

  • Abhishek Chopra

    Abhishek Chopra


    Helpful staff, delicious breakfast, cheap price, strong internet, clean room, convenient check-in and check-out. The place is located in centre area of Yeravan which is close to all the touristic spots for travellers. If you get down to the hotel there are money changers, tour agencies, restaurants, supermarkets and mobile rechargers machines which are close by to the hotel area and extremely convenient and accessible. Thank You 14th floor for your nice hospitality and great service.

  • Sameli Köykkä

    Sameli Köykkä


    Really nice rooms on the 14th floor. Our room had access to a huge balcony with a view over the city. Breakfast was not included

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