Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan i Yerevan

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1, Amiryan Street, 0010, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 599000
Latitude: 40.1778638, Longitude: 44.511385
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Kommentar 5

  • Levon Alyanakian

    Levon Alyanakian


    Yerevan Marriot is a nice, clean, spg hotel but no matter what you do keep your self out of the included breakfast offer and out of the breakfast restaurant. If you do eat breakfast at the Marriot you will have to talorate dirty dishes, glasses and carpet. If you keep your self out of here you should have an exceptional experience at this Mariott.

  • Samuel Chalekian

    Samuel Chalekian


    Gorgeous hotel in the heart of Yerevan’s Republic Square — a quick walk to the Vernissage and all that the city has to offer. The breakfast is incredible, and the staff are exceptionally accommodating. Expect standard Marriott services and prices to match.

  • John Minassian

    John Minassian


    Great location, wonderful staff. I love this place.

  • John Doe

    John Doe


    Great service all speak good English and there to help anyway they can. Food is fantastic and hotel is in such a beautiful spot makes it even better. Heart of Armenia and Yerevan.

  • Roger Morales

    Roger Morales


    A very Old & stunning architectural building which a view like the Coliseum of Rome...!!! A love place where you can see the whole view of the capital Yerevan, Armenia where the historic places are explored & preserved... A stunning view on the dancing fountain & a same like Big Ben clock of England at the Government building...!!!

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