Energy Club i Yerevan

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Yerevan, Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 41 174403
Latitude: 40.173458, Longitude: 44.505279
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Kommentar 5

  • al harith ali

    al harith ali


    Nice girls ... So Expensive drinks ... Safe

  • Mojtaba Masoudi

    Mojtaba Masoudi


  • Sina Bilooee

    Sina Bilooee


    One of the perfect clubs in yerevan

  • Artak Minasyan

    Artak Minasyan



  • Rahul lokineni

    Rahul lokineni


    Energy Club is a Big Scam We got to know this place from cab driver he told great about the club there will be good girls available for pick up, and two brokers also approached us near our hotel and shared the card with location details and informed that entry charges are 5000AMD per person We decided to go there in the night and took a cab and reached the place at 11pm and at the reception the guy informed entry fee is 10000 AMD per person we showed the card given by the broker and told him that he has informed entry fee is 5000 only he called up that guy and ch caked with him in Armani language and agreed this is 1st stage of scam. Five of us entered the club and they showed us a place to sit, there were many guys and very few girls we sat for 10mins and a guy from the club approached us and with out giving menu card asked us what drink we would like to order, it's 2nd phase of scam, we ordered 3 small beers as other two dint want to booze. After some time the waiter again approached and asked the two of us do we need fruit juices or soft drinks for which we said no and will order later. Mean while one of our friend hooked up with one girl and offered her a beer and after some time another three also hooked up and offered these Armenian girls beers and whisky and danced for a while and decided to take the girls out. The club guy came with a bill of 162000 AMD for 3 pegs of whisky and 5 beers which was exorbitantly charged after seeing the same we were shocked and they forcibly taken 350 US dollars and dint budged till we paid. This is a big scam and never plan to visit this club if you are in Yeravan. You will be cheated in big way. Even the cabs outside will charge high rates if you engage to go back to hotel. Girls charge 100 USD in this club for short time, you get better girls outside for 50USD, Every where you will be looted . Friends my suggestion plz check with your hotel guys which are good clubs to visit and they will guid you. And don't go by the brokers or car driver words. Bye for now....Be safe and have a good holiday.

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