Envoy Hostel & Tours│Yerevan i Yerevan

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54, Pushkin Street, 0002, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 530369
Hjemmeside: www.envoyhostel.com
Latitude: 40.184732, Longitude: 44.510266
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Kommentar 5

  • Amir A.

    Amir A.


    Outstanding facilities: large shower compartments, comfy common area and kitchen, high standards of cleanliness. The staff is very accommodating and helpful, and the breakfast is filling and delicious. It's a hostel that's suitable both for the solo traveler who might want to spontaneously join a group tour or hike from the hostel and for the group traveler looking for affordable accommodations in the heart of Yerevan. The hostel is easily reached with the airport bus -- our driver dropped us off just around the corner from it.

  • Jon Peara

    Jon Peara


    Clean. Helpful staff. Great breakfast. Excellent location.

  • SiAnZ Z

    SiAnZ Z


    Centrally located. Took a cab (1000 dram) from railway station. Very responsive and helpful through email and helped to arrange transport (shared taxi) back to Tbilisi for 7000 dram! Stayed in a 4 bed mixed dorm, but without window. Room is clean and bed is comfy. Huge bathrooms for the ladies as well! Definitely worth the price and stay!

  • Remedios Magsayo

    Remedios Magsayo


    a new home away from home.... the staff are heart welcoming and friendly and always of help. It is located very near to the places every tourist must visit and go. Above all, offers the super duper best tour and information/education about Armenia (kudos to Gregor)... the kitchen, lobby, rooms, bathroom, toilet are clean...

  • Gizem Varlık

    Gizem Varlık


    Very professional and friendly staff. Dorms are very clean and the common area and kitchen are nice and clean. Breakfast is also good. You can try Armenian breakfast over there. Location is near to center, you can walk everywhere.

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