History Museum Of Armenia i Երևան

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4, Republic Square, Երևան, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 520691
Hjemmeside: www.historymuseum.am
Latitude: 40.17854, Longitude: 44.5138189
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Kommentar 5

  • Vaporize Wise

    Vaporize Wise


    Exhibition about soviet time, except Karabakh, only in Armenian. And about Karabakh, and the time of the first Caucasian Republics no mention about ethnic cleansing and massacres that took place by Armenian forces. Unfortunately just a unilateral history view.

  • Urszula Wrona

    Urszula Wrona


    We do not expected so many interesting artefacts. Very informative. The archeological parts are the best.

  • Mateusz Pawłowski

    Mateusz Pawłowski


    There are too few descriptions in English and Russian to fully enjoy the exhibition.

  • Si Na

    Si Na


    Awesome place. However, the staff are not cool at all. They don't behave properly and always follow the visitors to control them not to take any photos or touch something! I really felt how provocative they were looking at the visitors and were following them. Some of the works need to have an English description in addition to their Armenian ones. Audio-guides should also be considered in the future.

  • Tom Barak

    Tom Barak


    The staff here is incredibly rude and think they work in a Soviet gulag. They constantly order you from one room to the other. At the end I was going to retrieve my jacket from the cloakroom at the bottom floor. The lady a floor above very rudely shouted and wanted me to climb up the stairs to come to her. Presumably she thought I was going to a section that needed a different ticket. Trying to explain I was getting my jacket from the cloakroom didnt help because she barely knows English. So I just ignored her shouts. Have fun at the gulag.

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