Nairi i Yerevan

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21, Paronyan Street, 0015, Yerevan, AM Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 537500
Latitude: 40.1838476, Longitude: 44.4990497
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Kommentar 5

  • Kevin Tarchenski

    Kevin Tarchenski


    More concerned with getting rid of patients than helping them. I had to go back four times in one week and still didn't leave with many answers. Customer service was non-existent, and quality of care was abysmal.

  • David Tashjian

    David Tashjian


    Don't believe what anyone says about this hospital and being the best in Yerevan. That might be true, but by developing nation standards it's on par with hospitals in Ghana or rural Mexico. Only private medical practices have capable health care in Armenia. Hopefully this will change. While Nairi has marginally better technology in the hospital, they still have no digital storage system for patient files, so documents get lost. I'm not kidding, I've had to go there over 5 times over the years and it's always the same - chaos, uneducated nurses and doctors, severe language barrier unless you speak fluent Armenian or Russian, timeliness isn't in the professional lexicon here and good luck with any doctor listening to the patient about preexisting conditions and diagnoses. This is not criticism based on bias - I'm an Armenian but still shocked that the best hospital in Yerevan is worse than a garbage hospital in Newark, NJ.

  • Eric Taylor Wilson

    Eric Taylor Wilson


    Everything was great until we made a payment and checked out! We waited for more than one hour just to make payment and get our receipt. We were kept waiting for just piece of payment receipt over an hour. We got impatient and lost our positive feedback, unfortunately!

  • Khachatur Hovhannisyan

    Khachatur Hovhannisyan


    Best hospital in Armenia. All doctors are professionals.

  • Arthur Ghazaryan

    Arthur Ghazaryan


    One of the most trusted medical organization in Armenia.

Nærmeste Hospital:

Yerevan Center of Limb Lengthening and Reconstruction

21 Paronyan st. Yerevan; 0015 Armenia, Yerevan
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«Պռոշյանի թիվ 3 հիվանդանոց»

10 Paronyan Street, Yerevan
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40 Dzorapi Street, Yerevan
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''Արամյանց'' Բժշկական Կենտրոն ԱՓԲԸ

Ձորափի 40 Փ./ Ул. Дзорапи 40/Dzorapi 40 Str., Yerevan / Ереван / Երևան
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