Singing Fountains i Yerevan

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Republic Square, Yerevan, Armenia
Kontakter telefon: +374 10 555555
Latitude: 40.1782575, Longitude: 44.513525
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Kommentar 5

  • Digital Enforced

    Digital Enforced


    2 h show with nice music. Locals and tourists around. Lovely place

  • Антон Бойник

    Антон Бойник


    Was very nice to visit Erevan in summer 2015

  • Narek Ohanyan

    Narek Ohanyan


    Every night 9pm till 11pm you get to experience a cool water show. With (mostly, but not always) Armenian classical music playing, the fountains "dance" around. The temperature and aura around in the square is very stress relieving. The lights and the music and the fountains are mesmerizing, and are a very cool experience to have.

  • Ra Mie

    Ra Mie


    We stayed on the square from 22 till 23 and the whole time the fountains where dancing to the beautiful classical music.

  • Piotr Filonowicz

    Piotr Filonowicz


    Nice moments. Kind of kitch like everywhere. During very hot evenings the show drops the temperature around and the big relief is worth coming.

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